The health benefits of sleeping under heavy blankets have been documented throughout history, but the trend has emerged again in the digital age as an antidote to insomnia, stress, anxiety. As it turns out, sleeping under a weighted blanket is a particularly effective treatment for people who find themselves struggling with an inability to “wind […]
winter blues
6 Foods That Help Seasonal Affective Disorder (+ Other Helpful Lifestyle Hacks)
Also known as the “Winter Blues,” Seasonal Affective Disorder is a feeling of mild depression or anxiety that manifests during the cold, grey winter months. (It’s also sometimes referred to as the very appropriate acronym, SAD.) SAD symptoms include everything from fatigue, lethargy, and difficulty waking up to extreme anxiety, lack of motivation, and decreased […]
Why Citrus Fruits Induce a Feeling of Calm
Citrus fruits are nature’s little bundles of zen, providing ideal aromatherapy for anxiety, for a number of reasons. Research from the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows that lemon and sweet orange oil, among other citrus scents, have a positive effect on physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This is partially because the smell of citrus […]
The 11 Safest, Most Effective Herbal Remedies For Insomnia
“People say, ‘I’m going to sleep now,’ as if it were nothing,” George Carlin once said. “But it’s really a bizarre activity. ‘For the next several hours, while the sun is gone, I’m going to become unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything I know and understand. When the sun returns, I will resume my life.’” […]
Joni Mitchell’s Easy Lentil Soup Recipe (Comfort Food)
Joni Mitchell’s easy lentil soup recipe is a darling little gem that reflects the no-frills food ethos of the 1970s. Made with red lentils, tomato puree, and a hint of sweet paprika, this easy blended lentil soup recipe is the ultimate fall/winter comfort food. This recipe originally came from a repost in The Guardian, which […]
Healing Hazelnut Beet Salad Recipe (Fatigue Fighter)
This healing hazelnut beetroot salad celebrates the flavors of the season, and frankly: it’s gorgeous! Composed salads make a beautiful addition to any holiday or spring meal; this one will have everyone marveling over how simple and delicious it is. This salad also makes an easy dinner option whenever you want to treat yourself, and […]