About 25 years ago a marriage counselor named Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a now-iconic book called The 5 Love Languages (which, yes, you can buy on Amazon). Over two decades later, new generations of people continue to discover his concept of “the five love languages” and apply them to their lives and relationships. What is […]
Life Coaching
5 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating, According to Experts
Emotional eating and impulse control is an aspect of feeding ourselves that is almost solely psychological. It’s a broadly interpreted term that means many different things. Boredom eating qualifies as emotional eating, as does stress eating and eating when you’re sad or scared. “Emotional eating is basically just eating for any reason other than physical […]
Why Your Partner Shouldn’t Be Your Therapist
After one of our posts went viral on Instagram, we figured it was best to expound on the thread that Sandra from Twitter, below, so thoughtfully started. Why is it, exactly, that your partner shouldn’t be your therapist? The idea here is tempting. You can save money on therapy, allow yourself to be vulnerable and […]
How Climate Change Affects Mental Health
For all the endless chatter surrounding Climate Change, not much of the global conversation has centered on the connection between Climate Change and mental health. The psychological impacts of a warming world might seem intuitive, and rightly so. But on a personal and macro level, changing habitats and unpredictable weather patterns have had a universally […]
Understanding Ho’oponopono: A Beautiful Hawaiian Teaching About Forgiveness
People who struggle with the concept of forgiveness– both for themselves and for others– often find comfort in a deeply healing age-old practice that comes from Hawai’i. The beautiful Hawaiian teaching for Forgiveness is called “Ho’oponopono” (pronounced HO-oh-Po-no-Po-no), and it’s lovely. This ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness functions as both a communication concept for reconciliation […]
A Prayer For When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom
So– you’ve hit rock bottom, you’re feeling scared and lonely, and this is what you consider to be your lowest point. Maybe you’re sick, maybe you’ve experienced massive loss, maybe your worst fear or greatest terror in life has been realized: Now what? Even if you’re not religious, you can still use mindful self-talk– which […]
A 5-Step Method for Identifying Misplaced Emotions
I believe that ~60% of the emotions we feel on daily basis aren’t really what we think they are– and emerging research is beginning to support this claim. Often, these feelings are better classified as misplaced emotions. Misplaced emotions occur when a feeling or thought doesn’t match the situation at hand. For example, “You’re not […]
This Cool Scientific Survey Accurately Identifies Your Character Strengths
I was first directed to the VIA Character Strengths Survey in the course of taking Dr. Laurie Santos’ class, The Science of Well-Being, which is the most popular course ever offered in Yale‘s 300-year history. As part of an initial happiness assessment, Professor Santos directed us to this character strengths test as part of a […]
5 Depression Hacks That Can Ease Doldrums (We Promise)
These simple depression hacks are the product of extensive research into pop psychology, wellness, neuroscience, and various life coaching resources for therapeutic treatments of depression. Whether you’re struggling with depression or merely a case of the doldrums, we’ve explained each hack in simple language with practical examples that are easy to apply to your lifestyle. […]
5 Proven Strategies for Building a Resilient Mindset
Resilience– also known as psychological resilience— is understood as a person’s ability to recover from setbacks and remain relatively unruffled by what life throws at them. It’s not really something you can measure so much as feel. We all have it, but like most aspects of mental fortitude, some of us are better at it […]