In a world where entrepreneurs seek out running therapy in Los Angeles and people everywhere are increasingly finding solace in online tele-therapy, immersive care nevertheless remains one of the most intensive and profoundly transformative therapy experiences on the market today. In this landscape where mental health has become an increasingly salient buzzword, Privé Swiss, the […]
getting to know yourself
A Simple Breakdown of The 5 Love Languages
About 25 years ago a marriage counselor named Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a now-iconic book called The 5 Love Languages (which, yes, you can buy on Amazon). Over two decades later, new generations of people continue to discover his concept of “the five love languages” and apply them to their lives and relationships. What is […]
This Cool Scientific Survey Accurately Identifies Your Character Strengths
I was first directed to the VIA Character Strengths Survey in the course of taking Dr. Laurie Santos’ class, The Science of Well-Being, which is the most popular course ever offered in Yale‘s 300-year history. As part of an initial happiness assessment, Professor Santos directed us to this character strengths test as part of a […]
“Self-Care” vs. “Self Comfort” (And Why You Need Both)
Here’s a novel idea: consider that self-care alone might not be enough to truly resolve your inner feelings of stress and wellbeing. This is because many wellness experts talk about “self-care” when what most people really need is the ability to “self comfort.” Self-care is all the usual stuff— diet, exercise, meditation, time with friends, […]
A Quick Breakdown of Byron Katie’s “The Work”, & How To Practice At Home
Byron Katie is a best-selling author and thought leader famous for her methodology of working with difficult emotions, which she calls “The Work”. She is most famous for this practice, which helps folks who are struggling or seeking greater mental wellbeing identify the root of what is *really* bothering them. In a climate where many […]
A Prayer For When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom
So– you’ve hit rock bottom, you’re feeling scared and lonely, and this is what you consider to be your lowest point. Maybe you’re sick, maybe you’ve experienced massive loss, maybe your worst fear or greatest terror in life has been realized: Now what? Even if you’re not religious, you can still use mindful self-talk– which […]
The 12 Stages of Burnout, and How You Can Recover From It
So many young people suffer from low-grade burnout– a feeling of being totally overwhelmed with a To-Do list or work obligations that never seem to end. Often, this feeling is accompanied by a sense that you will never escape this feeling. This is because anxiety, stress, and burnout are all related– fix your anxiety, and […]
How To Listen Better (An Essential Skill That We Need To Practice More)
If you follow me on Instagram you know that I’ve been on this kick recently of really trying to be a better listener. What follows is a parable that sums up why. A few weeks ago, I heard a conversation between critically-acclaimed psychologist Harriet Lerner and shame researcher Brené Brown that piqued my interest with […]
Boost Your Mood By Creating a “Brag File”
Building confidence is an active pursuit that requires regular effort, which is why creating a so-called “brag file” can help. It’s an easy way to boost your mood when times get tough, or if you’re feeling down, jealous, or exceedingly self-conscious. Making a brag file is easy. Keep a running list of things that you […]
5 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating, According to Experts
Emotional eating and impulse control is an aspect of feeding ourselves that is almost solely psychological. It’s a broadly interpreted term that means many different things. Boredom eating qualifies as emotional eating, as does stress eating and eating when you’re sad or scared. “Emotional eating is basically just eating for any reason other than physical […]