So– you’ve hit rock bottom, you’re feeling scared and lonely, and this is what you consider to be your lowest point. Maybe you’re sick, maybe you’ve experienced massive loss, maybe your worst fear or greatest terror in life has been realized: Now what?
Even if you’re not religious, you can still use mindful self-talk– which some people call prayer— to comfort yourself in times of need. This is a prayer for when you’ve hit rock bottom. Read along at your own pace.
This is a letter from Love itself. Love is always watching out for you, whether you feel it or not. Love is universal, within us, and without us. You are not alone. Here is what she has to say about this moment:
“I’m right here.
I’m right here.
I’m right here.
Right now you are struggling and I know it’s hard, but I’m not going anywhere,” Love says.
“I’ve come here because I have some things to tell you.
“First of all, your life is precious. Life always has a purpose, as there is a unique rhythm and rhyme to everything in the universe. The purpose of this moment is not clear to you yet, but remembering that your life is a precious miracle will help you get more comfortable with the unknown.
Keep this idea alive in your heart, always. Write it down. Commit to it. Or think about it once and forget about it. That won’t make the idea any less true.
“Say this to yourself: ‘I humbly accept that there is a purpose to what is happening to me right now. I am grateful for this moment of awareness to recognize that my life is a gift, however clunky and tragic it may feel right now. There are millions of people who have suffered before me and many more who will suffer after, but I have been lucky. I am lucky to live. I have been lucky to live this life with the people I love and the moments I’ve cherished, even if they were all in the past. And I am being brave right now, whether I am aware of it or not.‘

“Consider, also, the long chain of history. You are the direct genetic descendent of generations who have survived much, much worse– unthinkable physical hardship, lack of resources, cruelty, and the like. Resourcefulness and survival are your birthrights. It is inherent to our species. Every link in the chain is strong, and so are you.
“Even so, you may be feeling very alone right now. But you are not alone: you are never alone. ‘I’m right here.’ I’m still here. And I’m not going anywhere,” says Love.
“Whenever you are feeling down like you are right now, remember my voice,” says Love. “You can talk to yourself in my voice whenever you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, even if you don’t think I’m here. Speak to yourself like you would a loving parent or friend. Speak to yourself in the voice of someone who knows nothing but how to give comfort.
“Give yourself what you need in these vulnerable moments,” she says. “Tell yourself, ‘It’s okay. I’m right here. I am listening.’ Only then will you feel my nurturing presence. I am always right here.
“Now, I ask: What can you do at this moment right now to get more comfortable? Can you take a drink of water, put on a sweatshirt, stretch, get some fresh air? What do you need right now? Take a moment to assess yourself. There is always something we can do in the moment to make ourselves feel more comfortable.
“In this way, even if it is incremental, you can see your life improve before your very eyes. That is a constant reminder that life always moves in the direction of ease, eventually. Life strives to keep itself safe. Things can always get better. Remember that. Be compassionate towards yourself. Again, I ask you: what can you do right now to be more comfortable? Once you figure that out, do it.
“Finally,” Love says, “Consider this: Think about all the times in the past when you experienced joy or happiness. Do not re-write history through the lens of the present.
“Try to reflect on three examples of happy moments from your life, either from the past or more recently. Think about them for a second in your mind. Even if you are not in touch with your joy or happiness right now, that doesn’t make these moments any less real. They are yours forever. And nothing and no one can ever take them away from you.
“Whenever you hit rock bottom, these moments of beauty and gratitude still exist in your mind. Go to them when you need help. Summon the feeling of what it was like when you were free from concern, filled with joy, grace, and lightness. Your past experiences are a safe harbor for you to hide in whenever you’re feeling down. Like me, they are right here, and they are not going anywhere.
“And another thing,” Love adds, almost as an afterthought. “It’s okay to hit rock bottom. It’s okay. Have you thought about that? You are allowed to hit rock bottom. You are human,” she insists, “and this is part of your precious life.”
“So here we are. Here we are. Together. Take this as your blessed assurance that you are still alive, despite it all. What you must always remember is this:
“You are strong even when you don’t feel like you are.
You are brave even when you don’t feel like you are.
You are healing even when you don’t feel like you are.
And I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Related: Understanding Ho’oponopono: The Beautiful Hawaiian Prayer for Forgiveness.
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